Define. Verify. Share.
Thousands of organizations that operate networks use Merit RADb to facilitate the operation of the internet, including internet service providers, universities, and businesses.
RADb's data is used by the public around the globe—embedded into smartphones & cybersecurity services—to ensure the connectivity & security of one of the public's greatest assets: the internet.
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Why RADb?
Merit RADb enables organizations to register their routing objects, troubleshoot routing problems, automatically configure backbone routers, generate access lists, perform network planning, and more! Even better, the RADb service is backed by 24x7x365 live support.
RADb Features
Easy Data Management
The RADb website provides guided creation and management of Internet Route Registry (IRR) objects.
Open Access
The RADb dataset is provided to network operators, security analysts and the entire internet community at no cost.
User Support
Our 24x7x365 support center provides support to the global networking community. Receive unparalleled technical support from experienced engineers.
Individualized Suggestions
IRR object suggestions are calculated based on the current BGP default free tables.
Object Query
Registered objects are immediately available for query by the public RADb WHOIS service, the RADb private API, and 3rd-party libraries such as the IRRtoolset.
Global BGP Visibility
Allows Merit RADb users to examine the visibility of their network routes and AS numbers from a worldwide perspective, collecting data from dozens of different BGP route table view points around the globe via the Route Views Project. Merit RADb distills the connectivity information and allows users to easily compare their BGP routing information.
Annual subscription includes unlimited IRR object registration and publication, API access for data retrieval and updates, live support, and access to all RADb features.
Available to all networks who hold one or more Autonomous System Number (ASN)
A special annual discount is available to non-profit and educational organizations.